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Uhhhh-pdates (Part 2)

We bet you're all tired of hearing about this.. but we're going to bring it up again! We'll talk about something more interesting in September.

We're moving away from MindBody! In T-minus like 5 days we will no longer be using MindBody for booking classes and buying passes. All of the everything will be done through our website, which you may hear us refer to as "Wix" from time to time (Wix is who our website is built with, like Go-Daddy, or Square Space).

Today we're chatting about becoming a site member, transition FAQs, and we've got a small musical palette cleanser at the end as a lil reward!

thanks little guy.

1. Become a site member.

Just like you've had a log-in for MindBody, you'll need to create a log-in for our website. This will allow you to book classes, view your schedule, & see how many classes you've got left on your passes.

Which reminds me - We (Tammy & Gaby) will be manually transferring everyone's remaining, active passes from MindBody to our new booking system the evening of 8/31. If you have not become a site member by 8/31, we will make an account for you. We have to have an account for you to transfer any active passes. To get access to your account, you'll have to click "forgot password" when logging in for the first time, and then you'll have to wait for an email from Wix to reset it (this can be immediate...or take up to 12 hours, seriously). It's just easier for everyone if you - pretty please - create your log in now.

You should also consider getting the Fit by Wix app if you're someone who doesn't want to log into a website to view your class schedule and sign up for classes. Click the button below to get the app, and sign up using the code MFNAFH

2. FAQs

This transition is a little funky, we know. No transition involving a large number of people is ever going to be completely perfect, but we're doing out best to make sure no one gets left in the dust. Here are some frequently asked questions that you might have even been wondering yourself.

Q: Will you guys offer passes that aren't auto-renew memberships?

A: Yup! Certain a-la-carte class packs will still be offered (2h, 5h, and 10h) as well as a single class pass option. They can be found on our website here or on the Fit by Wix app

Q: Why can't I use my MindBody passes to sign up for classes through the website/wix right now?

A: Because those active Mindbody passes haven't been added to your website/Wix account yet. (8/31 Tammy and I will be manually adding everyone's passes to our website/Wix from MB). You of course don't need to wait if you don't want to! You can purchase passes through our website right now to be used for September classes.

Q: What perks come with each membership?

A: We have a webpage that lists it all! - Click here - or take a look at the big charts hanging at either studio (on the hallway wall at Grandview and on the desk at Clintonville).

Q: How do I redeem membership perks?

A: We have a webpage for that! Here. If you sign up for a membership, you'll also be sent an email directing you to check out that page for all the info.

Q: Will I get to keep my passes that I bought on MindBody?

A: Yep! Any active passes will be transferred 8/31. Original expiration dates will be honored.

Q: Do unused membership class hours roll over?

A: No roll-overs ☹ . Wix doesn't give us the option to allow unused passes to roll over to the next month.

Q: Can I choose my membership start date?

A: Yes! And the billing cycle for your membership will be the same as your membership start/renewal date.

Have questions you don't see here? Let us know in the comments! There might be someone else who has the same question!

3. Musical Palette Cleanser!

Phew! You made it!

We asked our instructors what they've been listening to lately, and here's what they said! Maybe you'll find a new favorite song to dance to, or a new tune to freshen up your playlists!

From: Ashley W.

Song name: I Didn't Change My Number (Ashley also just really enjoys the Happier than Ever album in general😊 ) Artist: Billie Eilish What do you like to do when listening to this: Pole! What style do you enjoy this song for?: Sassy/slinky/flowy How does it make you feel when you move?: All of Billie's songs are so relatable and easy to move to. I love just digging into the lyrics and channeling the emotions. This song in particular is super sassy and I love some flowy pole to get that attitude out.

From: Tracy Ruby - Tracy had a few pretty solid picks & a few throwbacks!

Song name: If I Were You

Artist: Stela Cole (she also enjoys Lucky Day by Stela Cole and You Don't Own Me by Saygrace )

Song name: Icey

Artist: Melii

Sang name: Candy Shop

Artist: 50 Cent

Alright, that's all for now! I promise, we will talk about something different in September!


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